Heng Lyhorng is a fresh graduate student of Paragon International University, majoring in Industrial Engineering from the Class of 2021. Horng is also the first batch in the Department of Industrial Engineering at ParagonU. For Horng, Industrial Engineering is a major that teaches students to optimize complex processes and systems and enables students to learn how to use resources more effectively to comply with business and sustainability goals. Currently, she’s working at Heineken Cambodia as a Supply Chain Trainee.
After graduating from high school, she started searching for a major and a suitable university to pursue a Bachelor’s degree. With the University’s profile, background, and qualified professors, Paragon International University became a primary option. As Industrial Engineering is a new major, it was first not in Horng’s major selection plan. Nonetheless, with the guardian and introduction from ParagonU, she starts to see an exciting curriculum from the major and decides to study the major.
Journey at Paragon.U
Despite facing some difficulties like most university students have experienced, throughout her time in ParagonU, it was an enjoyable and pleasurable period for her. From her point of view, University Life brought her to explore many different tastes, which gave both good and bad outcomes. Nevertheless, all of these situations that she has experienced were all the learning progresses for her. There has always been guidance, encouragement, entertainment, and challenging moments during her journey at ParagonU. Moreover, she was able to make friends and learned a lot about teamwork.
As for Industrial Engineering itself, for Horng, it is the foundation that provides the knowledge of the typical structure or what the operation will look like in the industry. In the Industrial Engineering major, she got to study the operation and improvement of a specific existing sector in terms of solution design based on business needs. Job market demand in the industry, both technical and management, was on point due to the development of our country.
Working Experience
Horng was a very active student during her time in Paragon.U. She has participated in countless school activities, volunteered, internships, and a part-time job. She used to be a 2020 Student Ambassador representing the University on various occasions.
After graduating from Paragon International University, she becomes a supply chain trainee in Heineken Cambodia. The duration of training is one year, and from her point of view, it is a suitable period for a fresh graduate like her to learn more about the field. She is currently holding on to the training process in two different functions within the supply chain scope. For her to work in beer production is eye-opening to explore such a field. Day-to-day tasks have always carried experiences and expectations that drive her to learn more.
Supply chain trainees are mainly hands-on to understand and be able to achieve the KPI (Key Performance Indicator) during the training period in the part of the supply chain. There is a broad range of functions within the supply chain, from end-to-end products.

Last but not least, Horng’s advice for juniors is to “Enjoy the Moment.” She continues by saying, “As one of the students who studied in IE, I would say, ‘don’t get confused. You will learn something in your journey at University. It is the progress of finding your interest. Try to join several events, make new friends, and establish your best work. Your decision in university life will be the free-fall process. You can do it wrong and still have time to redeem it. Just appreciate the time when you can fall freely, learn from It and do your best at all times.”