- This event has passed.

Orientation Days 2023
[សប្តាហ៍តម្រង់ទិសសម្រាប់និស្សិតថ្មី ២០២៣]
សូមអញ្ជើញនិស្សិតថ្មីដែលបានចុះឈ្មោះរួចរាល់ មកចូលរួមកម្មវិធីសប្តាហ៍តម្រង់ទិសទាំងអស់គ្នា ដើម្បីជួបជាមួយប្រធានដេប៉ាតឺម៉ង់ សាស្ត្រាចារ្យ និងបុគ្គលិកតំណាងការិយាល័យ។ ប្អូនៗនឹងបានស្វែងយល់ពីកម្មវិធី និងជំនួយការសិក្សានានាដែលមានផ្តល់ជូននៅសាកលវិទ្យាល័យអន្តរជាតិ ផារ៉ាហ្គន។
[Paragon.U’s Orientation Program 2023]
Finally, our Orientation days has arrived. The opportunity is here to allow newly enrolled students to meet academic advisors, all programs and all services support offered to all the students, and other important introductions.
Students will get an insight of which office they should approach on a particular issue or support that they would need.
Be initiated and familiarized with duties and benefits through Paragon.U Orientation Program 2023 this upcoming week on 3, 4 & 5 JANUARY 2023
Date: January 3-5, 2024
Time: 9 AM – 4 PM
Venue: Paragon International University
Organizer: Paragon.U